17 enero 2006

El yesuitombé es arte!!

Izima Kaoru
Born in Kyoto in 1954, Kaoru has been active since the late 70's in photography, video art and movies. He participated in the establishment of Sale, a free paper in 1980 and Tra, a cassette magazine in 1983. In 1994 he started the fashion magazine Zyappu of which he was the editor in chief.
Landscapes with a Corpse (+)
Igawa Haruka wears Dolce Gabbana , 2003
C-Print hinter Acryl
180 x 240 cm
Auflage: 5

Alain Séchas
Alain Séchas né en 1955 à Colombes, France.
Vit et travaille à Paris.

Le Mannequin 1985
Cuvette, mannequin, plâtre
H : 180 cm

Collection MNAM, Centre G. Pompidou, Paris.

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